Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Hello everyone,

This blog is a platform for everyone participating in the show “A travers le mirroir” meaning “through the mirror” in french to share their ideas in order to produce a wall of ideas.

You can post your ideas about shanghai, the show etc, and everyone can react to it with pictures text etc.

The purpose of this wall is to show creative energy of Shanghai and to encourage crosscultures relationship between the western and chinese artist of the show.


  1. great work
    two blogs in two days
    i liked the pic in the first blog
    can we have that one tooo/two???

  2. Well, I put it in transparency, otherwise we could take out the text alltogether, but I'm not sure it's a good idea. It's a different set up than the other one, I don't have a lot of control about the layout
