Thursday, January 22, 2009


I met Petra before we met, it has designed, from my high school. In 2003, the beginning of my university, i just can not select the English major's English course, because there're time crashes with my own major's, and one of the teacher heard of my frustration and suggested me to Petra's course, just because she is one of the two foreign teachers in my college and the only one who has the open course. And in the later terms i got to known Lam and Jam in this class room, and later on Adrian and Tiger, who were both my living room roommates in our first year. In 2004, i met an Australian friend, Rowena in a gallery in 50 Moganshan Lu, where i went firstly with Petra. Then i got a summer job by knowing George through Rowena, in the gallery of studio rouge, and Lam and Jam were my colleagues, but we shift work the other day. Also that was in studio rouge, i met Alex, we started be friends because he was an international student in my college in 2002. After we became good friends, he introduced  his best French friend also his high school class mate, Johann, who later introduced naco, the company he worked for me, because that is also an architecture company. So i got the internship in the summer of 2006 by an interview, and Fanny sat next to me, Marie sat down stairs. I know Jeremy because he also was an architectural student and then roommate of Johann. February 10 2007 i was invited to an art exhibition called "Contemporary Art doesn't feel cold at home" hosted by Johann and Jeremy, where i also met Kahn. Xujie and Sophia both we met in amspace for the exhibition, but we also studied in the same college, in different years...

Petra/Germany|Adrian-Zhou Zhiyuan/Shanghai|Tiger-Cai Chengliang/Shanghai|Lam-Deng Yeming/Shanghai|Jam-Yu Ji/Shanghai|Alex-Alexandra/France|Johann/France|Fanny/France|Marie/France|Jeremy/France|Kahn-Yuan Chonyin/Shanghai|Xujie/Shanghai|Sophia-Wu Jiayin/Shanghai|Shaw-Xu Zhifeng/Jiaxing

1 comment:

  1. In a way i like walking on the ground and am happy disapearing from the highway!
