Monday, January 19, 2009

'Link to Link' Park Junghyun Performance Room

Joseph Beuys said "Every man can be an artist" If you are an artist, you probably denounce these words; but if you want to be an artist, it might give you power and confidence. So, are these words correct? What actually is the relationship between art and artists?

And yet, artists are not the only creators of art. The rest comes from people who treasure life. Those that care deeply, those who know what love is, those that generously express their feelings. These are often the sources of art.

With "Every man can be an artist" in mind, if we go searching for such a person, we are assured be pleasantly surprised. This type of pleasant surprise doesn't come from people only, but also from art!

She believes: If people used their hearts to communicate, anyone from anywhere in the world can become friends. Among the countless ways of expression, I am only trying to say to use your heart to communicate for relationships.

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